Banana Raffaello: A Delightful Treat

Banana Raffaello: A Delightful Treat

Surprise your loved ones with an incredibly delicious dessert that kids adore – homemade Banana Raffaello. This light and delectable treat is not only tasty but also incredibly healthy, as it’s made from all-natural ingredients. It’s a snack that even the little ones can enjoy guilt-free. Let’s dive into making this unique dessert that’s sure to bring smiles!


  • Medium Bananas: 2
  • Walnuts: 150-200 grams
  • Almonds: 150-200 grams
  • Coconut Flakes for coating: 50 grams


  1. Blend the Nuts: Start by grinding both the walnuts and almonds in a blender until they’re finely chopped. You’re aiming for a consistency that’s easy to mold yet not too fine – a little texture adds to the charm of the final product.
  2. Puree the Bananas: Next, puree the bananas using a blender until smooth. The bananas will act as the sticky base that holds our dessert together.
  3. Mix Well: Combine the ground nuts and banana puree in a bowl. Mix thoroughly until you achieve a moderately soft dough that’s easy to shape into balls without sticking to your hands. If the mixture feels too soft, add more ground nuts or coconut flakes to adjust the consistency. It’s handy to have extra of both ingredients just in case.
  4. Form the Balls: Take small portions of the mixture and roll them into balls about the size of a walnut. This size is ideal for bite-sized treats that are both satisfying and easy to handle.
  5. Coat in Coconut Flakes: Roll each ball in coconut flakes until evenly coated. This not only adds a delightful texture and flavor but also gives our Banana Raffaello its signature look.
  6. Chill: Place the balls on a tray or plate and refrigerate for about 1 to 1.5 hours. This step helps the treats set and makes them more enjoyable to eat. You should end up with approximately 30 pieces.

Enjoy this homemade Banana Raffaello as a wholesome and delightful treat that’s perfect for sharing with family and friends. It’s a wonderful way to enjoy the sweetness of bananas and the rich taste of nuts, all wrapped in the tropical flavor of coconut. Bon appétit!


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