Mastering the Art of Phone Conversation with Men

Mastering the Art of Phone Conversation with Men

The infamous habit of “chattering” on the phone could play a cruel trick if your call is intended for a man. If you’ve shared your number hoping for a call from a newfound male acquaintance, it’s wise to prepare for the conversation. Here’s how to make your conversation appealing and fun, sparking the desire in him to dial your number again.

Embrace the Art of Flirting

A touch of classic female flirtation can make the conversation engaging and enjoyable. Yet, nuances matter. To kindle the eagerness to see you again, consider these strategies:

Warmth: Greet him warmly and maintain a cheerful demeanor. If you’re genuinely anticipating the call, a positive mood will naturally emerge, even if it wasn’t present before. Try to smile during the conversation—moderately. Your smile can actually be “heard” through the phone, setting a friendly tone.

Tone of Voice: An eagerly awaited call from a man might involuntarily reveal your excitement through your voice, which he’ll surely notice. This could make him feel uneasy. To counter any tremble in your voice, slightly lower your pitch and control it.

Pauses: Engage in the conversation without monopolizing it. If there’s a lengthy pause, take the initiative and steer the conversation to keep him involved. Match his mood, tone, and pace. If you’re at a loss for topics but long to hear his voice, share your thoughts on a recent movie or concert.

Use His Name: Addressing a man by his name is the ultimate compliment. If he introduced himself as Peter, use it—but sparingly, to maintain its charm.

Etiquette: Convention dictates that the caller should end the conversation. If he asks to call back, avoid pondering out loud about your availability. Instead, propose a specific time: “How about Wednesday at seven? Great!” If you’re busy, politely ask him to call back. Avoid multitasking during the call, as it can be frustrating, especially for men.

Cohesive Conversation: Naturally, your speech should be articulate. But coherence is equally crucial. Men tend to think linearly and logically, while women often process thoughts on multiple tracks simultaneously. So, when you circle back to a previously dropped topic, he might be puzzled about the conversation’s direction.

Listening: Always listen to your man to the end, even if you disagree. Only interrupt if he’s being rude, as our delicate ears are not meant to endure unpleasantness.

The Most Important Rule

Never end a relationship over the phone. It’s far more satisfying to dress up, style your hair, apply makeup, rehearse your speech, and confront the scoundrel in person. Let him see what he’s losing. A phone-based goodbye denies you this gratifying experience.