Solution for Keeping Windows Clean Longer

Solution for Keeping Windows Clean Longer

As the warm, sunny days approach, many homeowners look with dismay at windows that have accumulated a layer of dust, dirt, and scale over the winter, marred by rain and snow. The sight can be disheartening. However, after a good cleaning, windows can transform the view of the world outside into one that’s bright, clear, and sunny, bringing more comfort, light, and joy into the home.

Here’s a simple yet effective solution to keep your windows clean for a longer period:


  • 3 teaspoons of water
  • 7 teaspoons of glycerin
  • A few drops of ammonia (ammonium hydroxide)


  1. Mix the Ingredients: Combine the water, glycerin, and a few drops of ammonia in a bowl. Stir well to ensure the mixture is homogeneous.
  2. Apply the Solution: Dip a paper towel or a soft cloth into the mixture. Wring out any excess liquid.
  3. Clean the Windows: Wipe the glass surfaces with the soaked towel or cloth. Ensure you cover the entire surface evenly.

The glycerin and ammonia solution creates a thin protective film on the glass, which helps to repel dust and maintain clarity. This method not only enhances the cleanliness of your windows but also prolongs the intervals between cleaning sessions, allowing you to enjoy spotless views for longer.