Sour Cream Jelly with Bananas: A Delightful Dessert

Sour Cream Jelly with Bananas: A Delightful Dessert

This article introduces a scrumptious dessert perfect for celebrating special occasions or simply treating your loved ones. The blend of creamy sour cream with the sweet taste of bananas, topped with a sprinkle of chocolate, creates a delightful treat that’s both simple to make and a joy to serve.


  • 500 grams of sour cream (room temperature)
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 25 grams of chocolate
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 packet of gelatin


  1. Start with sour cream at room temperature to ensure smooth mixing. Add sugar to the sour cream and blend thoroughly using a blender or mixer until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Prepare the gelatin by dissolving it in hot water (half a cup), stirring continuously until fully dissolved. Allow the gelatin to cool to room temperature, stirring occasionally to prevent clumping.
  3. Once the gelatin has cooled, add it to the sour cream mixture. Blend again to ensure the gelatin is evenly distributed throughout the mixture.
  4. Peel the bananas and cut them into large pieces. Arrange the banana pieces in your chosen molds or glasses, creating a base for the jelly.
  5. Pour the sour cream and gelatin mixture over the bananas, filling the molds or glasses. Ensure the bananas are completely covered.
  6. Place the desserts in the refrigerator for about two hours, or until they are fully set and have a jelly-like consistency.
  7. Before serving, grate the chocolate finely and sprinkle it over the set jelly for a beautiful and tasty finish.

This sour cream jelly with bananas is a versatile dessert that’s as suitable for a festive table as it is for a casual family treat. Its creamy texture, combined with the freshness of bananas and the rich flavor of chocolate, makes for a delightful end to any meal. Enjoy!


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