Morning Gymnastics of Tibetan Lamas

Morning Gymnastics of Tibetan Lamas

The morning exercises of Tibetan lamas take no more than 7 minutes but offer tremendous effects, making you feel reborn.

  1. Upon Waking: Spend five minutes lying down with your eyes closed. Then, rub your hands together until they become warm. Massage your ears (ears act as a remote control for the entire body) using your index, thumb, and middle fingers to rub your ears from top to bottom 30 times (the thumb should be behind the ear).
  2. Forehead Massage: Place your right palm on your forehead (at the eyebrow line), cover it with your left hand, focus on the third eye point (between the eyebrows), and slide the skin of your forehead left and right 30 times. (This also helps alleviate headaches).
  3. Eye Massage: Form fists and use the knuckles of your thumbs to massage your closed eyes from the nose to the ears 15 times. This exercise improves vision and brain blood supply.
  4. Thyroid Massage: Place your right palm on the thyroid area, cover with your left hand, and gently move your hands from the throat to the solar plexus 30 times.
  5. Abdominal Movements: While lying down, draw in and puff out your stomach as strongly as possible 30 times. Breathing should be natural. This eliminates digestive tract stagnation.
  6. Knee to Chest: Still lying on your back, slowly pull your right knee to your chest on inhalation 15 times, then do the same with your left knee.
  7. Abdominal Circles: Place your right hand on your solar plexus, the left hand on top, and make clockwise circular motions with pressure 30 times.
  8. Leg Raises: With legs straight and hands behind your head, inhale and lift your legs over your head, then exhale and lower them. Do this 10 times. It improves male potency and digestion and is very beneficial for the spine.
  9. Foot Massage: Sitting on the edge of the bed with eyes open, place your left foot on your right knee and rub the arch of your foot with the knuckles of your hand 30 times. Repeat with the other foot. This stimulates all organs.
  10. Neck Massage: Sitting, place your right palm on the back of your neck, cover it with your left hand, and move your hands with pressure left and right 15 times.

After the gymnastics, drink half a glass of warm water (or better yet, 1-2 glasses of room temperature water).

Please remember, whatever you do, do it with pleasure, or not at all.